School Pest Control

Pests such as insects, rodents, fungi, and weeds can affect the school environment and the people who work and learn there. These pests can cause human health problems, structural damage, and plant damage. You will need to know what pests you are facing before deciding how to control them. These pest fact sheets will give you a brief overview of some pests that may be issues at your school, including their life cycle, health concerns, and information about control.

Preventive measures are easy to implement and often improve the overall maintenance of the school. These measures can include:

Restricting where food is eaten.
Moving dumpsters and food disposal containers away from the school.
Repairing and maintaining leaking pipes.
Pressure cleaning food service areas.
Sealing cracks and crevices.
Instituting sanitation measures.
Cleaning gutters and directing water flow away from buildings to prevent saturation.
Educating students and staff about how their actions affect pest management and control.

Here Are Some of The Most Common Pests:

Bed bugs

As a professional pest control service provider, Dream Pest offers professional School Pest Control Service that are experienced with methods that are environmentally friendly and safe for pets.

For further information and reservations, please call us now: +91-9772394646, 9772394444