Spotting a textile pest infestation may be not be as difficult as you may think. There are certain signs, which you might be able to spot and identify the presence of a Carpet beetle infestation yourself before it is too late. Regular checks can greatly reduce the development of textile pest infestations and thus reduce the damage they can cause to your textiles (woollen, silk, leather, etc..).
If there is a carpet beetle infestation that is already established, the beetle will lay the eggs on a food source, where the larvae can then feed on, e.g. wool, fur, leather, feather, silk, etc… It takes about two weeks for the eggs to hatch. This would happen usually in dark and secluded places, as they are preferred by the carpet beetles. When pupation is about to happen, the larvae would burrow deeper into the food source/textile or move elsewhere, where a new food source is available. When mature, the carpet beetle prefers sunlight and changes its food preference from textiles and natural fabrics to plants and pollen’s.
Typical signs of a carpet beetle infestation would be:
The visible damage that the larvae cause during feeding; it can be spotted on natural fibres and fabrics such as carpets, wool, silk and leather surfaces, feathers, etc..
larvae could be found in dark and secluded areas, such as closets and wardrobes, where they are close to their food source and where they would not be easily disturbed; their appearance of a ‘woolly bear’.
Apart from the larvae, the eggs of the carpet beetle also can be found in wardrobes and closets; other places, where you might encounter that they would be on your carpets and natural fabrics, textiles, in air ducts and in cupboards as those are areas, which provide them with less disturbance and a food source