At this temperature, mosquitoes can breed rapidly in certain places such as behind window blinds, in bathtubs, and in places where water is stagnant. Today, the types of mosquitoes have varied from ordinary mosquitoes, to disease-carrying mosquitoes such as the Aedes Aegepty mosquito which carries the dengue virus, the cinkungunya mosquito, and several other types of mosquitoes.
For mosquito prevention in general, people usually use several types of mosquito repellent while sleeping to prevent mosquito bites at night. However, for large scale mosquito eradication, you should immediately contact Dream Pest who is ready to help you repel mosquitoes from your home.
Here Are Some Mosquito Facts You Need To Know:
Mosquitoes only need 6-10 days to develop from eggs to adult mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes always breed in standing water and they can provide food
Mosquitoes prefer dark colors.
Mosquitoes bite humans more often at twilight
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
Hot Fogging – Hot fogging method is the right method for outdoor areas. Hot fogging is not appropriate to do indoors because of the density of the smoke that is released and will make the entire room smell of smoke and make the lantern sticky.
Cold Fogging – Cold fogging method is the right method to do indoors. Cold fogging can quickly kill mosquitoes in the room because the chemicals that are sprayed are water-based and become dew in the air.