Pre-Construction Termite Protection is a method to protect property from termite attacks that may occur in the future. This method is carried out when a building is under construction or when new construction is being started. You can protect your valuable buildings by calling us at 0822-1146-1146 .
Pre-construction method can protect buildings from termite attack since they were first built. Here we show some of the advantages of using the Pre Construction Termite Method:
No need to drill the floor of the building
The treatment process does not interfere with your activities
Maximum protection because spraying can be done in all areasPre-Construction
Pre-Construction Pest Control
1. Spraying Soil Excavated Foundation
Spraying the excavated foundation is an important step to prevent the termites from rising through the building foundation.
2. Spraying In The Entire Work Floor Area: Apply spraying on the ground floor area
3. Report & Monitoring
After all methods are carried out, reporting will be carried out as well as periodic monitoring to ensure that termite colonies do not appear in the future